Friday, November 5, 2010

The Loonnggeesstt Weeeeekkkk!

Somehow I just knew this was going to be the longest week when I was looking forward to this coming weekend on Monday morning.  But I didn't realize how long it was really going to be until yesterday, Wednesday, when I really thought it was Thursday.   And today really felt like it should have been Friday.  Ugh!  I hate it when that happens, don't you? 

You might be asking why I am looking forward to this coming weekend so I will tell you.  DH and I are celebrating our anniversary and we are going to spend Saturday and Sunday in Billings. I am so excited and can't wait!  I am really looking forward to just being away from the everyday stuff and having some one on one time with my sweetheart.  Plus we have plans to go to Red Lobster.  It is extremely difficult to find a good seafood place around here, and I have not been to Red Lobster since we moved from Salt Lake.  So yeah, I have been just a little excited. 

Do you think this week could get any slower?  I still have Friday to get through.  C'mon already!


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Happy Anniversary and YAY Red Lobster! I love that place.
Hopefully you will get totally energized over the weekend.

Alicia said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you enjoy your time together. Sorry, Red Lobster is not my thing, so I'll leave it up to you to enjoy the food.
