Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Folks it's that time again! A time to be honest and share with all everything we did "not" do this past week. This blog carnival was created by MckMama. So head on over to her blog to read about everyone else's "Not Me" moments or to create your own. I dare you! :)

It's been awhile since I've joined in for a Not Me! Monday, mostly because I haven't had much to Not Me! about or because I failed to post before Monday was over, which happened last week.  Without my kids running around my house anymore, there just isn't a whole lot of excitement going on. 

But I did have a couple Not Me! moments last week and unfortunately they involve doors and my own accidental self.  Did I just say that?  Whoa.... that is totally Not Me! I swear.  I am never prone to accidents.  Nope!  Just Not Me!  Well... okay... maybe just a little?

So early last week it was Not Me! who while opening the door to the bathroom ran smack dab into the door because someone's foot was in the way abruptly stopping the door at the same time my body hit it.  But I swear it was Not My foot that got in the way.  I would never do something so silly that would cause such scene!  And it was Not Me! who did not end up with a small goose bump on my forehead, nor was it me that had bruising around my boobs/sternum because I hit the door so hard.  I tell you, It was Not Me!  I would never do something so stupid, or that comical! And I definately don't have blonde hair!    Ha!

It was also Not Me! who later in the week was getting in the car when my face and the car door collided with each other.  And it was Not Me! who ended up having a nice ole' shiner right under my eye, the night before a job interview.  I would never ever do such a thing!  Nope that just isn't me! 

It was Not Me! that woke up the next morning before the interview with a puffy, black and blue face, and it was Not Me! who would apply so much makeup to my face to conceal the bruise and wear my glasses in hopes that no one would notice.  Absolutely Not Me! I say!  I would always want people to think I was abused by someone other than myself!  Ha again!

Oh boy...ummm.... was definately Not Me! who just had a deja-vu moment realizing this same thing happened to me not so long ago in December,  in another Not Me! Monday post you can read here.  It is definately Not Me! that is even sharing this with you.  I would never ever want to share these things about me, ever!

Oh My!  Am I really that accident prone?  It just can't be me! It's Not Me!, Not Me!, Not Me that is in denial.  I would never be that way would I?  I think I need to most definately stay away from doors in the future.

So... what do you think?  Are you up for joining in on this blog carnival in order to share your Not Me moments?  You should!  It's like therapy!  So head on over to MckMama's blog and join in.  You will feel so much better after getting it all out in the open, I swear! 


Anonymous said...

Sherrie! This is hilarious! I am also very accident prone. I recommend that you NEVER get goats ;) They just make life far too interesting for us accident prone types... LOL

Abigail Kraft said...

Hi Sherrie!
Just wanted to drop in and say hello. Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my blog. It means so much to hear from you all! :)

lol! Oh, people like you are what make the world so awesome! People who ALWAYS have a great story to tell! ^_^ I love that you're clumsy--little quirks like that just make people more endearing in my opinion. ;)

Have a lovely week!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You really did all this? Seriously?
Oh, my heck!
I wish you would have taken a picture.
So hilarious. I'm glad that you could admit it WASN'T YOU!

I also tried to do the photo meme award that you gave me. I ended up crying so hard with the photo that it landed on I was a mess for the rest of the day. I'll get to it, but I need to be in better control of the emotions.