We had an unexpected surprise visit from our son-in-law and grand-babies a couple weeks ago. They came all the way here from Arizona to attend his grandmother's funeral so we didn't get to visit for very long; however, it was a really nice time.
Grandpa & Isabelle
Grandpa & Sadie
Grandpa & DJ
Isabelle & Grandma
Sadie & Grandma
DJ & Grandma
Just for fun!
Little Man
Silly Daisy
Later on we met up with Bill's parents (Great G-ma & Great G-pa Carpenter) for dinner.
Grandpa is a BIG tease
Great Grandma came with Easter gifts
Sadie in her bunny ears
Isabelle in her bunny ears
DJ in his bunny ears
Isabelle in background looking through her gift bag
Sadie with her poodle purse - CUTE!
Isabelle posing with her poodle purse
Doing the bunny hop
All three of them
It was wonderful to have some grandbaby time even if it was short and sweet.
The best thing that I have been told in a very long time was when Sadie said to me "Grandma, I really love you". Aw! You don't know what that did to my heart!
We missed Stephanie (their mommy) though! We hope to see you all really soon!
I sure love these kids!!

They are beautiful.
Love each of the shots. Looks like you had a good time.
Looks like you really enjoyed yourself with the grandchildren. So glad that they were able to come and visit you. Too bad that Stephanie couldn't come, hopefully soon.
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