Thursday, April 5, 2012

Who turns 18 years old today?

My Baby Girl
Let me get my kleenex

18 years ago today I was given the most precious gift one mother can give to another

The precious gift of adoption
Thank You KV... I love you Forever!

My life was blessed with this beautiful girl that I got to watch grow up into a wonderful young woman.  

She also graduates in a few weeks!

Life has taken us through many twists and turns, many happy and sad moments

Having you in my life, my sweet daughter, has been the most fulfilling, most rewarding, wonderful and most heart-wrenching (at times), moments in my life that I will always hold dear to me. 

I will always treasure the gift you are to me

No matter where life takes you, you will always be my daughter

And I will always be right here for you with open arms.  

My heart is filled with love for you

A love that only a mother has for her daughter

The kind of love that you will only begin to understand when you hold your own baby girl in your arms

I will love you forever and for always!

My beautiful baby girl has so much of life ahead and many adventures to look forward to 

I can't wait to see where life will take her 
Hope it's not too far away

I wish her much happiness and success.... and to feel that she is  loved.... ALWAYS.... Because she is!  

My Daughter 

You'll never really know, my dear,
Just how much you mean to me,
A mother's love, buried so deep,
That only my heart can see.

When I sit and really stare at you,
All I can do is grin,
Somewhere down deep inside,
I see myself within.

I'd never change a thing in you,
I thank God that your so fine,
Even when your at your worst,
I'm so proud that you are mine.

The roads we have traveled,
were not always that good,
I would take back all the pain you've felt,
Only if I could.

I know that I'm not perfect,
It's the best that I can do,
But everyday, I thank the lord,
For a daughter as special as you.


I love you more!  

** Thanks to Kaitlyn for taking these great photos.


claire said...

Thanks for the beautiful tribute to Shellise, it is a tear jerker. She is a beautiful young lady. Can't believe that it has been 18 years, oh how time flies by. We love you and her so much. Love ya and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Lara Neves said...

Wow! I can't believe she's 18! She was 12 when I first met her and it really feels like not so long ago that she was in my Beehives class.

Happy birthday Shellise!

Valerie said...

Love this! Can't believe she is 18.