Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thanks to some amazing friends

I have some amazing friends.  Friends that I have known for a while and friends that I have met by blogging.  To every single one you, THANK YOU.  You are amazing and I am so grateful for your kind words and thoughtful remarks that touch my heart and inspire me.  You have lifted my spirits and have helped me to see and feel that things will be okay.  The words "thank you" just doesn't express enough of how I feel about you.   I want you  to know that I know how blessed I am by your friendship.  I love you all. 


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I agree with you. Blogging and real life friends are amazing and bring us a lot of strength and comfort.
You are also a source of joy and inspiration to others.

Kate said...

You are awesome. Thanks for being my friend even when I don't even comment or get on to let you know that you are great. Hope you know that you are.